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Sarah Blansett is the Publisher of and a Vice President at Monster Worldwide. She oversees day-to-day operations on the site, social media operations, the editorial and content team operations, and manages's presence and engagement within the veteran and military non-profit community. Sarah also oversees the Veteran Employment Project, a series of master classes designed for services members and veterans looking for a new career or a career change. She also creates cultural and lifestyle content for the military audience and their families as a guest contributor to the Off-Duty section and Under the Radar section. She leverages her two decades of service as a Navy Public Affairs Officer and retired Commander to shine a light on all things funny, entertaining and germane to the military experience.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday seconded U.S. President Donald Trump's claim that he could have prevented the conflict...
Ukraine is in the final stages of drafting recruitment reforms to attract 18- to 25-year-olds who are currently exempt...
Shoot me your resume. These are the magic words every jobhunter should be hoping to hear. Even though you...
After taking the oath of office and signing dozens of executive orders, President Donald Trump and first lady Melania...