The Best and Worst Departments to Work for Now Thanks to the stimulus package, many sectors of government are seeing a huge boost in job creation. On the other hand, some...
Use Your Leadership Skills: Become a Mentor for a Veteran American Corporate Partners is one of our favorite transition programs at the Veteran Employment Project, and they have an...
Federal Jobs Spotlight: Best Outdoor Government Jobs Some people prefer to get away from the office park and thrive working in the national park. GovCentral has compiled some of...
The Best Places to Work in Federal Government What are the chances that you're going to stay in a job that doesn't pay well or put your military skills to good use? Slim -...
The Top 10 Federal Agencies for Workers Under 40 Jobs in the federal government are becoming increasingly popular with workers under 40. Several occupations in the public...
How to Get the Best Automotive Training A solid technical education is the foundation for the careers of both newbie and experienced automotive technicians.
How to Become a Mechanic or Automotive Service Technician If you enjoy working on cars and aren't afraid of technology, then a career in the automotive service industry may be for you...
A Guide to Automotive Services Management Some mechanics don't realize that working in the back of the shop is a lot different than the front of the shop.
Best Cities for Job-Seeking Veterans No matter what stage your career is in, check out these cities best suited for job-seeking veterans.
What to Do When Your Hard Work Goes Unnoticed While your work in the military was not about seeking credit or recognition, giving away too much of your contribution in the...
Trump's Promises to Radically Change the Military In this episode, we spoke to two experts with collective decades of experience in analyzing the promises President-elect...
Trailblazing Coast Guard Commandant Fired by Trump Administration Adm. Linda Fagan, the first woman to serve in the Coast Guard's top job, was relieved following the swearing-in ceremony for...
Culture War Fights Poised to Take Lead in Trump's Pentagon Agenda Hegseth's testimony did not delve deeply into how the administration will confront some of the thorniest national security...
The Battle over Veterans’ Health Care: How the Republican Majority Hopes to Reshape the VA With the new Congress sworn in and President-elect Trump poised for his second inauguration, Republicans have queued up a...
Trump Vowed to End the War in Ukraine Quickly but Moscow and Kyiv Are Digging in Before Any Talks Both sides have taken tough negotiating postures that leave little room for compromise.