Bragg, Campbell Soldiers to Deploy for ISIS Fight, Afghanistan Mission The Army announced it will deploy Fort Campbell soldiers to Afghanistan this summer and Fort Bragg troops to Iraq this fall.
How They Fell: Army Team 'Fought to the End' in Niger Ambush The four troops killed in the Niger fought with honor, according to a Pentagon account.
US Deactivates Ground HQ in Iraq as ISIS Fight Winds Down The U.S. deactivated the headquarters of the coalition's land component in Iraq.
Fallen Soldiers May Receive Valor Awards After Botched Niger Mission Several awards for valor are likely to be recommended for members of an ill-fated patrol in Niger.
US Forces Back New Offensive in Syria with Air and Artillery Strikes U.S. and coalition forces have increased airstrikes and artillery fire against ISIS fighters in support of Operation Roundup.
Airman Christopher Lewis Receives Silver Star for Mosul Heroism Lewis was awarded the Silver Star for his actions in a 10-hour long firefight during the Mosul offensive.
US, Coalition Forces Double Airstrikes on ISIS Targets in Syria In the past week, the coalition conducted 14 airstrikes against ISIS fighters in defensive fighting positions in Syria.
Coalition Ramps Up Strikes Amid Resurgence of ISIS Fighters in Syria Commanders are seeing new pockets of ISIS movement in a handful of areas in Syria, which has led to an uptick in airstrikes.
US Launches Precision Strikes in Response to Syrian Chemical Attack The United States has launched "precision strikes" on Syrian military targets days after a deadly chemical attack.
US Troops to Leave Syria Once Last ISIS Remnants Defeated: White House The White House said the U.S. troop presence in Syria is coming to a "rapid end."
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...
The Medal of Honor Fraud Case that Took Stolen Valor to the Extreme H.L.I. Lordship Industries of Long Island, New York, admitted to selling unauthorized versions of the Medal of Honor, the...
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment The Army is grappling with a staggering attrition rate among newly enlisted troops, even as recent recruiting figures suggest...
5 Reasons Veterans Are Especially Hard-Hit by Federal Cuts For the past month, the Trump administration has been cutting federal spending, causing numerous hardships for government...
Court-Martial Convenes for Pentagon Leaker Already Facing Years Behind Bars A military court-martial convened for Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira, who was sentenced in federal...