Hot Job How To: Logistician Based on your feedback, we're supplying detailed info on how to get the hottest jobs for veterans. This week's hot job...
Answers to Teachers' Questions About the Military These questions help teachers give honest answers to students interested in a military career.
5 Military Myths Busted There are many misconceptions and myths about the military floating around out there.
Military Nurses Explained ROTC teaches leadership skills that will translate to any field, whether it be law, journalism or, in your case, nursing.
Air Force JROTC 'Accelerating Lives' Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 3 "Merlins" guided 40 Junior Air Force ROTC students from Buena Park High School through...
Guard Jobs at a Glance If you have a career goal in the private sector, you can bet there are corresponding Army National Guard careers.
What's a Cryptologic Linguist? The cryptologic linguist, a vital part of Army intelligence, interprets foreign language newspapers, magazines, radio...
Tips for Successful Career In the Guard and Reserve The National Guard and Reserves offer programs that allow you to serve your country part time and get many benefits of full...
Language Skills: Military Opportunities People with foreign language skills have two career options in Army intelligence: the human intelligence collector and the...
Army Set to Debut Master Combat Badges in Spring, Memo Says The Army is set to begin awarding Master Combat Badges, which will combine expert and traditional combat badges, next spring...
Navy Drops Disciplinary Efforts Against 2 Navy Officers After Death of SEAL Candidate Kyle Mullen Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman decided to stop the boards of inquiry for Capt. Brad Geary, the commander of the Navy SEAL training...
The Air Force's Faltering Effort to Get More Diversity Among Officers May Be Out of Time The diversity targets set in 2022 marked the first time in nearly a decade that the service had amended the benchmarks for...
Veteran Ejected from Public Meeting over Shirt Criticizing Politician’s Military Service Files Lawsuit Kenneth J. Collins, of Newton, alleges he was wrongfully removed from a meeting of the Sussex County Board of County...
National Guard Soldier Fatally Shot Ex's Boyfriend While on Drill Duty Break, Feds Say Natravien Landry is charged with murder in a shooting that triggered a lockdown at a military base in Georgia, federal...