McCain Hits Bomb-Sniffing Elephants, NASCAR Ads as Wasteful Spending Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, is slamming federal spending on programs he said are merely wasting taxpayer dollars.
Despite McRaven Op-Ed, Senators Defend Opposing Losey's Promotion Senators had a list of reasons to deny promotion to Rear Adm. Brian Losey despite McRaven's charge that they had an "agenda."
The Most Talked About Stories This Week on Here are the stories generating the most comments this week on, along with a sampling of responses.
CNO Takes Blame for Deadly Destroyer Collisions: 'I Own This' The chief of naval operations blamed a failure of command for deadly collisions aboard the destroyers Fitzgerald and McCain.
McCain Pushes Karzai on New US Troop Deal Afghan President Hamid Karzai risked losing the war to the Taliban through repeated delays in signing an agreement to keep U...
Air Force Presses to Continue Iraqi Pilot Training in US Iraqi pilots flying F-16s carried out their first airstrike in Syria against ISIS targets, in response to Baghdad car...
McCain Slams Americans Who Dodged Vietnam Draft with 'Bone Spur' Sen. John McCain appeared to take a swipe at President Trump in an interview about Americans avoiding the draft during...
Groups Oppose Plan to Steer More Vets to Private Health Care Providers Veterans organizations said that McCain's Care Veterans Deserve Act of 2016 t threatens the VA's mission of integrated care.
McCain Wants to Scrap Navy's Frigate Plan, Open Design Competition The Navy's blueprint for a future frigate is short on capability and long on cost, Sen. John McCain said Tuesday.
Lawmakers: Trump's $54 Billion Defense Hike 'Not Enough' The Trump administration's budget proposal would boost defense spending by $54 billion and end the sequester caps.
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...
Fired Veterans and VA Employees Would Be Reinstated to Federal Jobs Under Senate Proposal Department of Veterans Affairs employees and veterans fired from other agencies as part of the Trump administration's...
The Medal of Honor Fraud Case that Took Stolen Valor to the Extreme H.L.I. Lordship Industries of Long Island, New York, admitted to selling unauthorized versions of the Medal of Honor, the...
Hegseth Ban on Travel Forces Closures, Reduced Hours at Military Entrance Exam Sites Locations set up across the country to give military entrance exams to potential recruits have been forced to close or reduce...
Route Used by Army Black Hawk During Deadly Collision Was Far Too Risky, Safety Officials Say Federal crash investigators have said a helicopter route used by an Army Black Hawk for training when it crashed midair with...