- Doing a little research before your trip can save you lots of time and frustration. What if your Space A flight lands at a remote base after normal business hours? Here's where you can find Service Lodging and Dining Facilities for the bases you might want to use during your travels.
- You can access very in-depth information from our Military Installations Guide. Features for each installation include: community data, medical and dental facilities data, education and employment data, commonly-referenced phone numbers, commissary and exchange operations, transportation, government housing, and "must know" items.
- If you want more technical aviation information about airports, the Airfield Information site features detailed information on US airports, including military bases. For some airfields, the phone number for base operations or a link to related Web pages are included. Orientation maps are included on the site. The installations on this site can be searched either by airport name or three letter identifier code.
- Check out our Military Travel Discount Center regularly for hot travel deals and discounts offered specifically to the military community.