With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act designed to stimulate the economy and spending, the demand for retail workers should continue to grow. Search for jobs in retail now.
- Assistant buyer
- Automobile rental clerk
- Automobile salesperson
- Automotive parts counter associate
- Buyer -– merchandising
- Cash clerk
- Cashier
- Comparison shopper
- Cosmetics demonstrator
- Demonstrator and product promoter
- Internet retailer
- Layaway clerk
- Merchandise assistant
- Merchandise marker
- Merchandise planner
- Parts counter associate
- Rental clerk
- Retail grocery checkout clerk
- Retail merchandiser
- Retail sales, other
- Retail salesperson
- Sales attendant –- building materials
- Sales attendant –- self-service
- Sales clerk
- Salesperson –- apparel
- Senior buyer
- Storage facility rental clerk
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Whether you want to polish your resume, find veteran job fairs in your area or connect with employers looking to hire veterans, Military.com can help. Subscribe to Military.com to have job postings, guides and advice, and more delivered directly to your inbox.