A Black Hawk helicopter from the Tennessee National Guard crashed Wednesday in Alabama, killing two crew members, the Tennessee National
In the face of Western sanctions Russian authorities have revived Soviet-era brands, including the emblematic Kama bicycles and Moskvich cars
In the cemetery where Oleksii Zavadskyi and Yurii Stiahliuk are buried, the women they loved take drags on the men’s
A makeshift hospital has been set up on a Turkish military ship to get medical help to residents of Iskanderun
When Ukrainian soldier Vitalii Khroniuk was lying face to the ground in an attempt to protect himself from Russian artillery
The White House says that the three unidentified aerial objects shot down in the past week were likely benign, drawing
A U.S. fighter jet shot down an "unidentified object" over Lake Huron on Sunday on orders from President Joe Biden
As Russia increases its attacks in Ukraine’s south and east, soldiers defending the frontline say they urgently need more ammunition
Rescuers cheered as they pulled an 18-year-old man alive from the rubble after surviving almost 200 hours under jagged ruins