An advanced new set of military satellites blasted into orbit Saturday for the U.S. Space Force after a two-day delay
U.S. security officials say Ukrainian armed forces have made "notable progress" in their advance against Russian positions in the south
Combat Swimmer Stroke - breakdown. Kick off the wall, double arm pull, CSS stroke cycle of Pull, breathe, kick, glide.
Will use a quick 5 to 10 minute drill that simulates the Navy SEAL training drownproofing test as a warm
Under Water Swim Stroke - breakdown.
Too many people tell me that because they are short that they cannot swim as fast as a taller person
Fitness expert and former Navy SEAL Stew Smith demonstrates double crunches.
Fitness expert and former Navy SEAL Stew Smith demonstrates Multi-Joint Dumbbell Exercises #3.
The South Korean and U.S. militaries held a wet gap crossing drill in Cheorwon near the border with North Korea
A nearly 200-year-old West Point time capsule that appeared to yield silt when it was opened during a disappointing livestream