The 1st Division’s 28th Infantry won the first major American victory in World War I at the Battle of Cantigny
Marines of November Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion were the first company to graduate recruit training in the new version
The 2017 Army-Navy Uniform tells the story of the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division and their birth in the
The people that brought you the water proof uniform now bring you the fire retardant uniform.
Found on uniforms, ships, aircraft and vehicles, camouflage and its many designs have become one of the most widely used
You might know Gortex from its waterproof fabrics, but they are at the forefront of uniform technology as well. Their
Marines with Company I, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force test new boots and
Effective immediately, commanders may authorize Soldiers to roll up sleeves on the Army combat uniforms -- here's how.
From clothing to vehicles to aircraft, camouflage plays an integral part in all aspects of the military.
The U.S. Navy has designed new uniforms for Females. The new uniforms are expected to be for sale fall of