Air National Guard Units Set to Transfer to Space Force Under Defense Bill Despite States' Opposition Nearly 600 Air National Guardsmen who focus on space missions would be transferred to the Space Force against the wishes of...
Air Force's Special Operations Crop Duster Plane Will Be Flown for Training at Oklahoma Base An Air National Guard base in Oklahoma will host the first formal training unit for the service's armed recon crop duster...
Pentagon Secrets Leaker Jack Teixeira Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison by a Federal Judge A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced a Massachusetts Air National Guard member to 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty...
Space National Guard Could Become Reality Under Donald Trump Trump said during a National Guard Association of the United States conference in August that "as president, I will sign...
National Guard on Standby in Many States as America Faces Tense Election Day Many of those deployed are "cyber specialists" and civil support teams, an official said, detailing that there are no...
Coast Guard Suspends Search for 4 Missing off California Coast The U.S. Coast Guard has suspended -- "pending the development of further information" -- Sunday's massive search effort for...
Prosecutors Seek a 17-Year Prison Term for Pentagon Secrets Leaker Jack Teixeira Prosecutors said Jack Teixeira “perpetrated one of the most significant and consequential violations of the Espionage Act in...
How an Active-Duty Commander Could Help with Helene, According to the General Who Led Katrina Response More than 230 people across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee have been killed by...
3 Airmen Awarded Purple Hearts for Injuries During Deadly Tower 22 Attack in Jordan Three airmen who were injured during a January drone attack on a remote base in Jordan, which killed three service members...
National Guard, Deployed Across Southeast, Sees 'Long Recovery' Ahead as Helene Death Toll Rises The National Guard said Thursday it has fanned out across states and communities hard hit by Hurricane Helene but warned that...
More than Half of Senior Army Officers Are Turning Down Command Consideration More than half of the Army's senior officers are turning down opportunities to command, choosing instead the stability of...
A Coast Guard Commander Miscarried. She Nearly Died After Being Denied Care. U.S. service members have long faced strict limits on abortions, even when used to resolve miscarriages. Under federal law...
101st Airborne Division Troops Return to Bastogne to Mark 80th Anniversary of Battle of the Bulge The siege of Bastogne was lifted on Dec. 26, 1944, when a tank column from the 4th Armored Division of then-Lt. Gen. George...
Navy Drops Disciplinary Efforts Against 2 Navy Officers After Death of SEAL Candidate Kyle Mullen Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman decided to stop the boards of inquiry for Capt. Brad Geary, the commander of the Navy SEAL training...
1 Dead, Suspect Arrested After ‘Active Shooter’ Situation at Georgia Army Base The victim, whose identity has not been released, was shot “in on-post housing” at Fort Eisenhower.