What's Involved in an MMA Metabolic Resistance Workout The one thing every MMA fighter has in common is a powerful athletic physique built from metabolic resistance training.
A 'Dirty Dozen' of Tactical Fitness Training and Testing Ideas Training large groups with varied fitness levels is one of the most challenging things to accomplish with success.
Getting Through Deployment with Physical Fitness While deployed, many soldiers pass the time by setting goals. Some complete civilian or military education, play instruments...
Breaking Down the Three Phases of Army Ranger School As with any of the special operations units in the U.S. military, it takes endurance, stamina, intelligence and mental...
Army Basic Training PFT The Army's basic training physical fitness test is a three-event physical performance test used to assess endurance.
Find Out How Fit You Really Are in Only Three Minutes If you want to find out how fit you really are, try this challenge. Do as many push-ups as you can in three minutes.
How to Build Strength and Durability to Prepare for Army Special Forces Recruits preparing for Army Special Forces need to prepare not only for the specifics of training, including running, rucking...
Secretary Wormuth Wants the Army Combat Fitness Test to Stay as Congress Debates Its Fate Army Secretary Christine Wormuth took a stand for the test in an exclusive interview with Military.com at the annual...
Debate on Army Fitness Test Takes New Turn with Chief Nominee Testimony Gen. Randy George, an infantry officer, testified on fitness standards as part of his confirmation hearing before the Senate...
Congress' Move to Scrap the ACFT Sparks Outcry from Army Leadership Congress is seeking to kill the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, and revert to the service's previous fitness test.
The WWII Fighter Ace and Medal of Honor Recipient Who Helped Give America the Super Bowl When Joe Foss -- then the commissioner of the upstart AFL -- sent a letter to his NFL counterpart, Pete Rozelle, in December...
Migrants Describe Flights Aboard US Military Planes Carrying Out Swift Deportations The Trump administration has enlisted the U.S. military to quickly scale up its deportation capacity, which usually relies on...
Inside San Quentin Prison a Marine Found a New Kind of Family At San Quentin, my hope and dignity landed on a mental ledge.
VA Says 44 Programs Will Continue After Review Required by Trump Federal Funding Freeze In a statement released late Tuesday, department officials said all programs would continue uninterrupted.
Air Force General Fired from Leadership Due to 'Inappropriate Personal Relationships' Brig. Gen. Erik Quigley was removed from his position "following an internal investigation which revealed inappropriate...