'What Is This?': Army Enlisted Leader's Long-Promised Blue Book Underwhelms Soldiers A 23-page, hard-copy pocket version of the book summarizes some Army policies -- mostly uniform rules -- and includes service...
Army Says Soldiers Are Getting New Fitness Uniforms, But Details Are Scant The announcement at the Association of the United States Army, or AUSA, conference in Washington, D.C., came with no clear...
The 5 Top Concerns of Army Families - and What the Service Plans to Do About Them Army leaders said they are taking steps to address family issues that may cause soldiers to leave the service.
Secretary Wormuth Wants the Army Combat Fitness Test to Stay as Congress Debates Its Fate Army Secretary Christine Wormuth took a stand for the test in an exclusive interview with Military.com at the annual...
How the Army Plans to Prevent 'Another Fort Hood' by Dispatching Survey Teams to Brigades Cohesion Assistance Teams, or CATs, which were first stood up in 2020, have been fine-tuned to help commanders with the...
Army Basic Leader Course Will Soon Be Longer and Have Graded Land Navigation Soldiers aiming to get their stripes will soon need to brush up on their map-reading skills and grid plotting.
The Army Is Working Toward Better Physical Training and Mental Health Care for Its Dogs Working dogs typically get playtime and time set aside to socialize with other dogs, but the goal of the Canine H2F is...
Soldiers Need Friends and Family to Help Amid Mental Health Provider Shortage, Army Leaders Say The theme of whole health was woven this year throughout the Association of the U.S. Army annual meeting.
Army Hopes Identifying Suicide 'Red Flags' Earlier Will Finally Ease Crisis The active-duty Army saw 175 suicides in 2020, a rate of 36.4 per 100,000, up from 30.7 per 100,000 in 2019.
Army Field-Testing Quieter Drones to Avoid Enemy Detection The Future Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System is being developed to replace the current RQ-7B Shadow UAS.
Army, US Allies Battling Swampy Terrain to Find 4 Soldiers Missing Since Tuesday in Lithuania The troops, assigned to the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, out of Fort Stewart, Georgia, were last seen aboard an M88...
Military Troops, Armored Vehicles Deployed to Big Bend National Park The U.S. military is deploying troops and armored vehicles to West Texas, including inside Big Bend National Park, as part of...
Roadrunner and Coyote: Navy Set to Deploy Land-Based Anti-Drone Systems at Sea Ever since the Navy repelled its first wave of drone attacks from the Houthi rebels, there has been criticism over the fact...
Senate Confirms Deputy VA Secretary as Department Preps for Mass Firings The Department of Veterans Affairs has a new No. 2 official after the Senate voted along party lines Thursday to approve Paul...
'Different Spanks for Different Ranks': Hegseth's Signal Scandal Would Put Regular Troops in the Brig Despite what amounts to among the most startling security snafus in recent memory -- one that would almost certainly trigger...