US Coast Guard Academy The U.S. Coast Guard Academy prepares cadets for commissioning in the U.S. Coast Guard.
5 Reasons to Transition into the Reserves Joining the reserves after active duty could make transition that much easier.
Joining the Coast Guard Reserve The Coast Guard Reserve has operated since 1939 when it served as an organization of boat owners to promote boating safety.
4 Things 'Gray Area' Reservists Need to Do When They Turn 60 Finally receiving that hard-earned military retirement pay at age 60 is a big deal, and you definitely want to get that...
Coast Guard Relieves Its Top Reserve Enlisted Leader After Investigation into Misconduct Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Timothy Beard was relieved Friday as a result of "loss of confidence,"...
What You Should Know About Your USERRA Rights Mark Stodola had a good job supervising about 18 people in the material-handling department at a manufacturing company in...
Here Are Service Members' Rights When Returning to Their Old Job Military reservists and National Guard troops have plenty to worry about when they're called away from their jobs for active...
What's in Store for VA Disability Benefits with New Office of Management and Budget Chief? New OMB Director Russell Vought has contributed to two conservative playbooks that advocate for the revamping of veterans'...
Military Drops Recruiting Efforts at Prestigious Black Engineering Awards Event Until this week, Army Recruiting Command had a public partnership with the Black Engineer of the Year Awards, or BEYA, an...
In One of the Marines' Most Iconic Jobs, a Stunning Pattern of Suicide Marine Corps drill instructors are a national symbol of discipline. But for some, their imposing persona belies a dark reality.
Biography of Civil War Veteran Banned as Military Schools Cull Books and Lessons Under Trump Orders A review of content taught at the Department of Defense Education Activity schools has resulted in restrictions of lessons on...
Airman Promotion Test to Tech Sergeant Delayed as Air Force Combs Documents for Subjects Banned by Trump The testing cycle, which was scheduled to begin Saturday and go through April 15, will be pushed back to March 3 and will...