How to Keep Your Finances in Check All Year Long By reviewing your finances throughout the year, you can catch problems early, adjust your plans and make sure you're always...
5 Ways Military Families Can Start to Get Ahead Financially Here are five actionable ideas derived from certified financial planner JJ Montanaro's take on the first Military Financial...
Ask Lacey: Does Paying Off Debt or Investing for the Future Take Priority? It’s usually better to eliminate your debt, or at least reduce it, before investing in long-term savings such as your IRA.
What to Do (and What Not to Do) with Your Pay Raise Here's what to do -- and what not to do -- to ensure your pay raise sets you up for financial success.
More Money, Less Debt: New Study Reveals Military Households' Financial Trajectory Since 2019 While many military families appear to be doing better than their civilian counterparts financially, they still face...
Protecting Your Family as You Leave the Military: 3 Options and an Imperative As you prepare to take off the uniform, take the steps necessary to ensure that in the event of your death, your family won't...
Your Year-End Financial Action Plan, Part 3: Tackling Debt While you may not be able to dig all the way out of debt in 2024, you can clearly chart a path that will allow you to get...
4 Steps to Maximize Your Holiday Budget By planning ahead and sticking to these four tactics, you can enjoy the spirit of the holidays without the stress of...
Keep Your Military Money Nightmares at Bay More dreadful than a haunted house tour in a hearse, tales of financial doom aren't fiction. They're painful realities. But...
Fraud, Debt, Car Prices and More: Here Are 2024's Scary Statistics Here are 2024's facts, figures and fodder for examining trends in personal finance.
Congress Asks Trump to Award Medal of Honor to Trailblazing Marine Vietnam War Veteran Nearly 50 lawmakers wrote a letter to President Trump last week urging him to award the Medal of Honor to a Marine veteran...
What's in Store for VA Disability Benefits with New Office of Management and Budget Chief? New OMB Director Russell Vought has contributed to two conservative playbooks that advocate for the revamping of veterans'...
Military Health System Beneficiaries Urged to Download Old Medical Records by April 1 With the transition to MHS Genesis, the Defense Department is decommissioning the Tricare Online Patient Portal.
Pentagon Creates Staff Termination List as DOGE Targets Military The Pentagon is sending Trump administration officials the names of probationary workers who could be targeted in an upcoming...
Over $151 Million Taken from Soldiers' Paychecks for Food Costs Spent Elsewhere by the Army The money is collected in what amounts to a tax on troops -- taken from their Basic Allowance for Subsistence payments, roughly $460 per month that is automatically deducted from the paychecks of service members