80 Years After D-Day, the Family of a Black World War II Combat Medic Receives His Medal for Heroism A Black combat medic who treated 200 troops during the harrowing invasion of Normandy during World War II is being honored...
Black D-Day Combat Medic's Long-Denied Medal Tenderly Laid on Omaha Beach Where He Bled, Saved Lives The medal was placed on the sand, close to the spot where Cpl. Waverly B. Woodson Jr. is thought to have come ashore on June...
Air Force to Posthumously Award Distinguished Flying Cross to Crew in Mysterious 2010 Osprey Crash The news of the awards comes as the service currently grapples with a deadly CV-22 crash that killed eight airmen off the...
A WWII Private Was Stripped of His Distinguished Service Cross for Being a Dog The Distinguished Service Cross is the United States Army's second-highest military honor.
Army Guard Pilots Get Distinguished Flying Cross for Engaging Taliban at Close Range Two North Carolina National Guard helicopter pilots received the Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor last week.
A-10 Warthog Pilots Receive Distinguished Flying Crosses for Lifesaving Close Air Support Twpo pilots were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in a ceremony at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.
Army Service Cross Recipient Died Shielding Polish Officer from Blast Staff Sgt. Michael Ollis sacrificed his life to save a Polish Army officer from a suicide bomber in Afghanistan in 2013.
Soldier Killed in Baghdad Invasion Will Receive Distinguished Service Cross Staff Sgt. Stevon A. Booker was killed protecting his platoon's flank as his unit worked to topple Saddam Hussein's regime.
Soldier Killed at COP Keating Receives Distinguished Service Cross Army Staff Sgt. Justin Gallegos was posthumously upgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross Dec. 15.
Navy Pilot Gets Distinguished Flying Cross for Shooting Down Syrian Bomber A Navy pilot who took out a Syrian attack jet that was dropping bombs on friendly forces was recognized for his heroism.
Navy Drops Disciplinary Efforts Against 2 Navy Officers After Death of SEAL Candidate Kyle Mullen Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman decided to stop the boards of inquiry for Capt. Brad Geary, the commander of the Navy SEAL training...
Army Veteran Sentenced to Death for Killing 5 Women at a Florida Bank Zephen Xaver appeared to gulp but otherwise showed no emotion as Circuit Judge Angela Cowden pronounced the sentence at the...
More than Half of Senior Army Officers Are Turning Down Command Consideration More than half of the Army's senior officers are turning down opportunities to command, choosing instead the stability of...
Army Set to Debut Master Combat Badges in Spring, Memo Says The Army is set to begin awarding Master Combat Badges, which will combine expert and traditional combat badges, next spring...
Pentagon Officials, Aviation Experts Say Many Alleged Drone Sightings Are Being Misidentified The sightings in New Jersey and elsewhere, which so far remained unconfirmed, have triggered widespread concern and demands...