Army Reverses Course and Resumes Remote Entrance Exam Testing After Cutting Off Funding The Army has reversed its decision to halt travel funding that enabled potential recruits to take the military entrance exam...
Thousands of Potential Recruits Could Lose Access to Military Entrance Exam Testing with Program Shuttered Thousands of potential applicants -- including high school students -- may face challenges in taking the military's entrance...
What Is Military Time? Military time is based on a 24 hour clock instead of using the standard 12 hour clock. Convert standard time to 24 hour time...
Prep Courses, Policy Tweaks Largely Drove the Military's Recruiting Success in 2024 Despite the wins this year, between ambitious goals for 2025 and deeper issues relating to Generation Z, the services may not...
Hearing Loss, Asthma Won't Disqualify Air Force and Space Force Recruits Under New Policy The new waivers come as the Air Force managed to scrape by its active-duty recruiting goals, in large part due to policy...
The Military Alphabet What is the military alphabet, and how do you use it? This military phonetic alphabet solves what can a major problem with...
They Fought in Iraq’s Bloodiest Battle. Will Their Kids Be the Next Generation of Marines? No matter the profession, parents and children in both civilian and military families must navigate delicate decisions about...
Female Teens Don't See Themselves in the US Military. Here's Why, According to Pentagon Surveys. Surveys find that just 21% of American females ages 16 to 21 were qualified to serve in the U.S. military compared with 25%...
How to Become a Naval Officer A Navy officer must assume a variety of duties at sea, in the air and ashore. Officers must be physically fit, at least 19...
ASVAB Scores and Navy Jobs Your ASVAB score will determine which Navy jobs you qualify for. Every Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) has different ASVAB...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Air Force, Navy Warn Troops About Political Speech Amid Trump Administration Changes New memos from the Air Force and the Navy warn troops to watch their political speech online and in person, and even...
The 5 Most Realistic Army Movies, According to an Army Historian It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about...
Jury Acquits Navy Command Master Chief of Sexually Assaulting Teen Girl A six-member jury has acquitted a career Navy man of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old relative during a sleepover at his...
The Still-Living Janitor Who Received a 'Posthumous' Medal of Honor Army Pvt. William Crawford was declared killed in action and was awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, which was presented to...