How to Ramp Up Your Training for Spec Ops I have been using your programs for over a year. Will my body be ready if I continue the plan, or should I be easing off...
How to Prepare for the Navy SEAL Fitness Test The problem with many Americans is that the current fitness and health conditions they maintain are not good enough for a...
How the 'Common PFT' Is Popular with US Military, Law Enforcement More than half of the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies use what I call the "Common PFT."
The Importance of Training Before You Enter the Military Here is a list of just a few of the many former military officers and enlisted who train civilians to lose weight and prepare...
Tactical Fitness and Special Ops Training Learn which training methods would be most useful for passing Special Ops fitness tests.
A 'Dirty Dozen' of Tactical Fitness Training and Testing Ideas Training large groups with varied fitness levels is one of the most challenging things to accomplish with success.
Why the 'Common PFT' Has Become the Fitness Standard While the regular military and law enforcement agencies use the "Common PFT," the specialized groups in these units have more...
How to Lose Weight and Get Fit for Military Duty Those who are overweight typically are not meeting the minimum physical fitness standards for their chosen branch of service.
Modifying Your Fitness Training Toward Joining the Police Academy tactical fitness expert Stew Smith suggests how to gear your fitness training specifically toward joining the...
How Your Fitness Test Prep Changes in Transition from Military to Police You might be out of the military, but that doesn't mean training is over. There are many civilian jobs that require peak...
Ranger School Is Getting a New Fitness Assessment The Army's elite Ranger School, long regarded as one of the most grueling leadership courses in the military, is rolling out...
How a World War II Tail Gunner Survived a Midair Collision Without a Parachute Sgt. James Raley's account came almost three months to the day after he improbably survived that fall from the skies over...
Not Just for US Veterans: 7 Medical Breakthroughs the VA Gave to the World With the VA facing job cuts, it's important to remind not only veterans, but also lawmakers, health officials and the...
Hegseth, Top Officials Violated 'Basic Operational Security' with Signal Chat on Yemen War Plans Experts who spoke with said it's highly unlikely that operational details at the level Goldberg described would...
Veterans Fear Trump Administration Plans to Privatize VA Health Care Veterans are increasingly getting care from private medical providers, who are then paid by the VA. It's an effort to create...