VA Loans Are Not Only for First-Time Homebuyers A VA loan offers great benefits for more than just first-time homeowners.
3 Things to Do Before Buying Your Next Car Before buying your next car, you’ll want to do these three things.
Do You Wish You Were Saving for the Future? It's Not Too Late to Start Today. Saving for the future is important, and it’s not too late to start.
How Young Adults Can Avoid Credit Card Mistakes One of the easiest ways to start building a credit history, especially as a young adult, is through responsible credit card...
Millions of Veterans Aren’t Using This Benefit: Are You One of Them? The VA Home Loan entitlement is an example of the benefits veterans can enjoy for the rest of their lives.
4 Common Student Loan Questions, Answered Most college students require financial assistance to complete their undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. Here are some...
Is the Fast-Growing Cybersecurity Field the Right Career for You? A career in the cybersecurity field is a great place that leverage your military experience.
The Most Important PCS Changes for 2023 and What to Do About Them (Megan Harless, Military PCS Expert) Ready for your 2023 military PCS? Each year, the Defense Department updates the rules and regulations around military moves...
Insider Tips for Your First Military PCS Pack-Out (Isabel Schmitt, LOGSA Mil Moves) In this episode of PCS with, Army veteran, spouse and military move industry insider Isabel Schmitt lays out her...
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...
There's a New War Game for 'Nerds with a Drive for Violence.' It's Spreading Across the Marine Corps. In the war game "Down Range," Marine units can check out "kits" with dice, rules sheets and 3D-printed pieces that resemble...
'Vengeance Is Mine': This Medal of Honor Recipient Reenlisted to Avenge his Brother's Death in Korea Born in 1929 in Columbus, Ohio, Rosser was one of 17 children. As the oldest of the bunch, he was naturally very protective...
Fired Veterans and VA Employees Would Be Reinstated to Federal Jobs Under Senate Proposal Department of Veterans Affairs employees and veterans fired from other agencies as part of the Trump administration's...
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment The Army is grappling with a staggering attrition rate among newly enlisted troops, even as recent recruiting figures suggest...