Ask Stew: Continue Training Even with Swimming Injury fitness guru Stew Smith fields a question from a retired Navy master chief on how to continue a swim workout...
How to Maximize Your SEAL Swim Score Learn strategies for how to maximize the swim score on the Navy SEAL and other physical screening tests.
Weekly Workout: Outdoor Workout with Some Classic Exercises Time to take your workouts to the great outdoors. Here is a workout plan that is challenging but well worth the effort.
Build Your Own Triathlon Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, gives his advice for breaking out of the exercise...
Workout of the Week: Cardio Pentathlon (Some Options and Challenges) The latest workout of the week from Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL vet and's tactical fitness expert, focuses on...
Top 5 Reasons to Add Swimming into Your Workout Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL vet and's tactical fitness expert, gives you five reasons why you should add swimming...
Ask Stew: Army Retiree Seeks Swimming Advice Stew Smith,'s resident tactical fitness guru, answers a question from an Army retiree about incorporating...
Swimming with Fins: Flippers, SCUBA to Rocket Fin Progression The type of fins you use for pool swimming depends on your training goals.
Big Cardio Workout Mix Two of the favorite workouts this week accomplished by many of the local special-ops candidates were mirror-image twin...
Workout of the Week — Full-Body Pyramid Plus Running/Swimming Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, offers his workout of the week.
Beards, Body Fat in the Crosshairs as Hegseth Orders Military-Wide Standards Review Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has ordered a sweeping, military-wide review of physical fitness and grooming standards with...
The Worst War Movies Ever Made, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the worst war movies ever made, according to readers.
There's a New War Game for 'Nerds with a Drive for Violence.' It's Spreading Across the Marine Corps. In the war game "Down Range," Marine units can check out "kits" with dice, rules sheets and 3D-printed pieces that resemble...
Pentagon to Unveil Cuts Alongside Fiscal 2026 Budget Request The letter, addressed to House Armed Services Chair Mike D. Rogers, R- Ala., and dated March 5, states that Congress will be...
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...