Ask Stew: How to Keep Working Out Despite a Sprained Ankle Ankle pain during swimming with fins is common and happens to everyone, especially if your ankle mobility is negligible.
Ask Stew: Finding the Right Fit for SCUBA Fins for SAR School There are a lot of lessons learned when it comes to swimming with fins. Here is a good question from a future search-and...
Ask Stew: How to Prepare for Air Force PJ Training Being an athlete without much running or swimming background might require more time in training to prepare properly.
Ask Stew: Options for Those Without Access to a Swimming Pool People often lose access to swimming pools, weight rooms and cardio machines because of travel, deployment or a change of...
Ask Stew: Managing Your Time to Prepare for Army Basic Training To get into the Army, you have to pass the Army physical fitness test, which is made up of push-ups, sit-ups and a two-mile...
Three Reasons Why You're Struggling with Fitness Tests There are a few things that could be contributing to your fatigue or lack of muscle endurance during the push-up and sit-up...
How to Improve Your Confidence in Basic Water Skills To give Marines a basic understanding of how to survive the watery forces of nature, they must qualify in Combat Water...
Workout of the Week: A Tough Spec Ops Leg Day Awaits This workout is rather advanced and involves a series of events that special ops students need to master when training before...
Ask Stew: This Classic Swim Week Will Help You Prepare for Navy Spec Ops From treading water, underwater swims, swimming with fins and SCUBA diving, the skills list can make candidates wonder...
Ask Stew: How to Swim with Cammies Many military water survival courses require you to tread water, bounce and learn how to survive while wearing your uniform...
Army Set to Debut Master Combat Badges in Spring, Memo Says The Army is set to begin awarding Master Combat Badges, which will combine expert and traditional combat badges, next spring...
Navy Drops Disciplinary Efforts Against 2 Navy Officers After Death of SEAL Candidate Kyle Mullen Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman decided to stop the boards of inquiry for Capt. Brad Geary, the commander of the Navy SEAL training...
The Air Force's Faltering Effort to Get More Diversity Among Officers May Be Out of Time The diversity targets set in 2022 marked the first time in nearly a decade that the service had amended the benchmarks for...
Veteran Ejected from Public Meeting over Shirt Criticizing Politician’s Military Service Files Lawsuit Kenneth J. Collins, of Newton, alleges he was wrongfully removed from a meeting of the Sussex County Board of County...
National Guard Soldier Fatally Shot Ex's Boyfriend While on Drill Duty Break, Feds Say Natravien Landry is charged with murder in a shooting that triggered a lockdown at a military base in Georgia, federal...