2025 VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Rates Dependency and Indemnity Compensation is a monthly benefit paid to eligible survivors of deceased service members or veterans...
Annual Cost-of-Living Boost for Veterans Benefits Finalized by Congress The increase applies to disability benefits, clothing allowances, and dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving...
This Is the 2020 Veteran Disability Pay Raise The official veteran disability pay raise rate increases are out -- but how much more will you get?
Record Pay Increase Likely Coming for Disabled Veterans and Military Retirees in 2023 Disabled veterans and military retirees will likely see record pay increases in 2023 thanks to COLA changes.
Bill Would Align Age Eligibility for CHAMPVA with Tricare, Affordable Care Act Some members of Congress try again to increase eligibility for CHAMPVA to age 26.
VA Disability Compensation Rates See Largest Increase in 7 Years Stand by for the largest increase in disability benefits since 2012
Beards, Body Fat in the Crosshairs as Hegseth Orders Military-Wide Standards Review Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has ordered a sweeping, military-wide review of physical fitness and grooming standards with...
The Worst War Movies Ever Made, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the worst war movies ever made, according to Military.com readers.
There's a New War Game for 'Nerds with a Drive for Violence.' It's Spreading Across the Marine Corps. In the war game "Down Range," Marine units can check out "kits" with dice, rules sheets and 3D-printed pieces that resemble...
Pentagon to Unveil Cuts Alongside Fiscal 2026 Budget Request The letter, addressed to House Armed Services Chair Mike D. Rogers, R- Ala., and dated March 5, states that Congress will be...
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...