FEDVIP Open Season for Military and Retiree Health Insurance FEDVIP offers vision insurance for active-duty family members and dental insurance for retired military members and their...
Everything You Need to Know About Tricare Open Enrollment If you want to make changes to your coverage for the upcoming year, you need to do it during the Tricare open enrollment...
Everything You Need to Know About the Tricare Dental Program When you marry into the military -- or your spouse joins the military -- you learn a whole new benefits system to go with...
Just What Is Open Season, and Why Should You Care? It's time to review and change your health insurance, if necessary.
What Is a FEDVIP Qualifying Life Event? To enroll in FEDVIP, you need to understand FEDVIP's qualifying life events (QLEs).
4 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Dental Insurance Company Be prepared for this year's enrollment period by considering what kind of dental coverage your family needs and what plan...
Open Enrollment: How to Choose a FEDVIP Dental Plan With several dental carriers to choose from, how do you choose wisely?
New Dental and Vision Plans for 2019: Rates and More Retired and want dental insurance next year? Pay attention! Also vision plans available next year. How much? Read on...
MHS Genesis Patient Portal MHS Genesis is the Defense Department's new electronic health records system, designed to provide a single health record for...
What to Think About When Picking a FEDVIP Dental Plan Military retirees can get dental coverage through FEDVIP. Here are some factors to consider when making the best choice.
Hegseth and Other Top Trump Officials Just Failed OPSEC Jeff The Atlantic editor-in-chief published a bombshell article detailing how members of the administration had accidentally...
Families at Utah Air Force Base Lose Day Care Center as Pentagon Slashes Personnel Spending Hill Air Force Base in Utah has closed one of its two day care centers, harming quality of life for some service members...
As Pentagon's Top Health Nominee Prepares for Confirmation Hearing, One Senator Has a Lot of Questions Keith Bass, a retired Navy commander who previously led the White House Medical Unit and the CIA's medical service office...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Military Veterans Are Becoming the Face of Trump's Government Cuts and Democrats' Resistance As congressional lawmakers scramble to respond to President Donald Trump's slashing of the federal government, one group is...