The Secret Benefits of Fitness Training Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, details the little-known positive side effects...
Ask Stew: Learning from Fitness Mistakes Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, asks readers to comment on fitness mistakes they...
Proven Methods to Rebuild Your Fitness Habit Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, offers tips on how to rebuild your fitness habit...
How to Accomplish Any Goal with an Action Plan Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, gives advice on how to achieve any goal by...
How to Build Better Habits and Be Your Best Self Stew Smith, Navy SEAL and's tactical fitness expert details how to replace bad habits with good ones with the...
5 Strategies for Working Out Even When You Don’t Feel Like It Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, details how to train even when you don't feel...
Here's a Foolproof Way to Make Time for Workouts Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, gives his foolproof way that anyone can work out...
5 Steps of a Fitness Goal Mindset Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, gives his advice on how to have a fitness mindset...
Finding a Why: The Positive Effects of Physical Training Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, details the positive effects of physical training...
An Easy-to-Remember Goal for the New Year Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, gives his advice on the single most important...
6 Game-Changing Workout Strategies for Beginners or Anyone Restarting Their Fitness Journey Many people new to fitness or experiencing prolonged absences wonder how often they should work out as beginners and what...
4 Reasons to Remove the ‘Pullout’ from Military Swim Fitness Tests When taking military swimming tests that require the breaststroke or the side stroke (also known as the combat side stroke...
How to Structure Swim Workouts for Navy Diver Training Preparing for future military swimming and diving training requires spending several days a week in the pool.
5 Rules for Adding Workouts to Your Military Unit's Daily PT Sessions Adding workouts for your group at your military unit's morning PT sessions each week is one of the more difficult things to...
How the Tactical Athlete Benefits from Cardio Exercises After Leg Workouts For most athletes, leg days and cardio challenge the body and mind, but for tactical athletes, topping off leg days with...