What's Involved in an MMA Metabolic Resistance Workout The one thing every MMA fighter has in common is a powerful athletic physique built from metabolic resistance training.
A 'Dirty Dozen' of Tactical Fitness Training and Testing Ideas Training large groups with varied fitness levels is one of the most challenging things to accomplish with success.
The Challenges of Passing Military Swimming Tests One of the toughest swims I receive emails for on a weekly basis is the underwater swim , especially from Navy SEAL and Air...
Why the 'Common PFT' Has Become the Fitness Standard While the regular military and law enforcement agencies use the "Common PFT," the specialized groups in these units have more...
Tactical Fitness with Stew Smith: How to Develop the Proper Push-up Posture Stew Smith, Military.com's tactical fitness expert, addresses proper push-up posture and how to strengthen upper- and lower...
The Top 10 Reasons Why People Fail at Special Ops There are many ways to fail out or quit any of the many special-ops programs, but the biggest reason someone fails is usually...
The Push-up System Over the years, I have developed several methods to increase push-ups and have written articles on ways to implement them...
Push-up Push Workout The program is a 10-day plan that requires push-ups daily, but it still has some sound physiological rules that incorporate...
These Options Could Make You a Faster Swimmer People often email Stew Smith, Military.com's tactical fitness expert, asking about swimming skills and techniques to get...
How to Lose Weight and Get Fit for Military Duty Those who are overweight typically are not meeting the minimum physical fitness standards for their chosen branch of service.
Science Says It's Not Too Late to Start Your Fitness Journey Now It is never too late to start, whether you took a few decades off from exercising after your early 20s or are entirely new to...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...
The 2 Voices in Your Head: 4 Tips for Controlling Them with a Positive Mindset We all have that inner voice designed to help us stay alive, avoid discomfort and survive as creatures on Earth.
The Importance of Including Flexibility and Mobility Training in Your Fitness Plan If you need to work on flexibility in your muscles and mobility of your joints, these life-changing workouts can help.