What You Should Know About Navy EOD/Diver Training Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Navy diver are two separate professions within the Navy Special Operations...
Here Are the Guidelines for the Navy Body Composition Assessment Conducted twice a year, the Navy physical fitness assessment includes a body composition assessment and physical readiness...
Three Reasons Why You're Struggling with Fitness Tests There are a few things that could be contributing to your fatigue or lack of muscle endurance during the push-up and sit-up...
Here's How to Create a Circuit Training Routine People often like to use the circuit workout as a form to get through a workout routine quickly, yet still work out...
9 Ways to Tell That You Might Be a Runner Here is a series of issues that runners face every year, along with links or advice to help with whatever running goals you...
What You Should Know About the Navy Physical Readiness Program The Navy's physical readiness tests are designed to measure core stability, muscular strength-endurance and aerobic capacity.
Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Overview The Navy physical readiness test consists of push-ups, curl-ups (sit-ups), and either running or swimming.
The Many Health Benefits of Including Sprints in Your Cardio Fitness Training Working sprints into your training week can help you develop capabilities that are easily lost as we age out of sports and...
6 Tips to Avoid Becoming a Heat Casualty Hot summer days are brutal for many working outside in arid or humid environments.
How This Sandbag Workout Will Prepare Your Legs for Military Fitness Tests Many groups within the military use logs to build small-unit cohesion and teamwork.
How to Assess Your Workout with Every Change of Season This fall (or any change of season), it's time to sharpen your focus on any weaknesses and pinpoint where you stand in your...
The Combat Sidestroke for the Navy Physical Screening Test: Do You Need to Learn Both Sides? It’s like being right- or left-handed: one side will feel more comfortable when you learn this military swim test stroke.