How to Ramp Up Your Training for Spec Ops I have been using your programs for over a year. Will my body be ready if I continue the plan, or should I be easing off...
What You Should Know if You Want to Become a SEAL Getting accepted into these groups requires a motivated person -- not only physically fit, but also mentally tough and a...
How to Prepare for the Navy SEAL Fitness Test The problem with many Americans is that the current fitness and health conditions they maintain are not good enough for a...
Stew Smith Article Guide If you are looking for answers to questions about military fitness, it is probably in the article archive for's...
Ask Stew: How to Become a SEAL in Seven Steps Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, offers seven tips that could provide a pathway for teens to make it to...
What to Know About Applying to Be an Air Force Spec Ops Officer Here is an email from an Air Force cadet seeking information about preparation to be a special tactics officer.
Why This New Approach to Remedial PT Actually Works The combination of a good coach and willing participants is critical to the mission success of remedial PT programs.
Ask Stew: 10 Questions About SEALs and Special Ops A high school junior asks some very commonly asked questions that should provide many future SEALs and Spec Ops members with...
How You Should Prepare Your Body for Special Operations First of all, anyone seeking this type of rigorous activity, especially near 40 years old, should be in excellent condition...
How You Can Build Muscle with the TRX Suspension Training System I have counted more than 75 exercises you can do with the TRX, and I am learning new ones daily.
Science Says It's Not Too Late to Start Your Fitness Journey Now It is never too late to start, whether you took a few decades off from exercising after your early 20s or are entirely new to...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...
The 2 Voices in Your Head: 4 Tips for Controlling Them with a Positive Mindset We all have that inner voice designed to help us stay alive, avoid discomfort and survive as creatures on Earth.
The Importance of Including Flexibility and Mobility Training in Your Fitness Plan If you need to work on flexibility in your muscles and mobility of your joints, these life-changing workouts can help.