Weekly Workout: Upper-Body Lift and PT with Paced Running for PT Tests Here is a mix of upper lifts, calisthenics and some push-and-pull balance exercises, followed by goal-paced running.
SpecOps Prep: Customize Training by Body Type and Fitness Experience Wondering how to prep for special ops? First address your body type and fitness experience to customize your routine.
Weekly Workout: Weight Vest Leg Day Mixing in a weight vest or ruck of 30-40 pounds while doing calisthenics quickly can turn easy leg PT into a very challenging...
The Top Dozen Body-Weight Exercises to Master Whatever your fitness goals, you can achieve them by practicing and mastering body-weight exercises.
Weekly Workout: What to Do During Your Mobility 'Day Off' Here is a "Day off" workout you can follow that really will make you feel the joints loosen up with some light pool work.
Why There's Never a Good Excuse Not to Have a Plan B Think you have a good reason not to work out? Check out Stew Smith's solutions to some of the most common fitness excuses.
Weekly Workout: Leg Day with a Tactical Element Time for leg day? Think about adding tactical elements to your workout if your job requires good leg and core strength.
Weekly Workout: Split Routines Military.com's tactical fitness expert discusses the benefits of splitting up your workouts by region instead of doing one...
Want Something to Do This Weekend? Try These Workout Challenges The weekend is your chance to push yourself, whether that means participating in a race, obstacle course or other butt...
Weekly Workout: Full-Body Day Here is a way to work all your muscles in one session; you constantly can move and recover different muscle groups.
5 Cardio Workouts to Build Leg Endurance for Military Fitness Tests Consider the following workouts if you are focused on building leg muscle stamina while improving your cardio scores.
Why Army Special Forces Candidates Should Include Swimming in Their Cardio Training If you are preparing for Army training that involves much running and rucking, you may not need to spend time in the pool...
7 Reasons Spring Is the Perfect Time to Revive Your Fitness Goals After a long winter of below-average temperatures, so many of us are ready for spring, but transitioning into spring can also...
The Best Running Interval Workouts to Improve Your Cardio Fitness This mix of intervals, sprints, resistance running and goal-mile pace workouts will build your conditioning while providing...
How to Build Mental Toughness for Special Operations Selections Unfortunately, many will do challenging events they are unprepared for physically to test their mental toughness.