How to Make the PT Test Just Another Workout You can get to the point where your PT feels like just another workout, but it takes practice, discipline and building good...
Take Your Jump Rope Workouts to the Next Level Here is Dave Hunt's jump rope workout, which shows how to easily add jump rope into your current exercise routine.
How Your Workouts Will Benefit from Split Routines Split routines are basically used so you can get to the gym on back-to-back days without having to work the same muscle...
Workout of the Week: What an Intermediate Circuit with Minimal Equipment Looks Like This is a workout that you can do at home with very little equipment and be in the intermediate level of fitness.
Special Ops Leg Day Can Help Build a Solid Foundation Here is a workout we do during our running/high-repetition cycle that we call Spec Ops Leg Day.
These 2 Workouts Provide a Nice Mix of Cardio, Resistance Training If you ever need a quick but effective combination of both cardio and resistance training, here are two options.
Here's Our Favorite Group Workout of the Week What follows is a way to mix in running and calisthenics at moderate levels of repetitions, and swimming with treading skills...
Do You Jump Rope? Here's a Workout for Beginning Jumpers Through all the fitness trends and fads, jumping rope continues to have a reputation as one of the best conditioning...
Ask Stew: Weakness Wednesday Workouts Target Problem Areas Stew helps someone preparing for a future in the Spec Ops world who needs help with the muscle stamina and strength events.
Not Much Time — Pick and Choose from 20-Minute Workouts Here are a few 20-minute workouts that you can combine to make a 40- to 60-minute workout, or pick one when short on time.
5 Cardio Workouts to Build Leg Endurance for Military Fitness Tests Consider the following workouts if you are focused on building leg muscle stamina while improving your cardio scores.
Why Army Special Forces Candidates Should Include Swimming in Their Cardio Training If you are preparing for Army training that involves much running and rucking, you may not need to spend time in the pool...
7 Reasons Spring Is the Perfect Time to Revive Your Fitness Goals After a long winter of below-average temperatures, so many of us are ready for spring, but transitioning into spring can also...
The Best Running Interval Workouts to Improve Your Cardio Fitness This mix of intervals, sprints, resistance running and goal-mile pace workouts will build your conditioning while providing...
How to Build Mental Toughness for Special Operations Selections Unfortunately, many will do challenging events they are unprepared for physically to test their mental toughness.