The Five Psychological Phases of Fitness I have found that the out-of-shape beginner and the advanced Special Operations candidate develop their goals through the...
How You Don't Have to Be Stuck on a Training Plateau This email comes from a young man seeking to enlist in the Navy after losing weight and getting into shape.
How You Can Manage Working Out Twice a Day I received a great email about performing two-a-day workouts. One of my favorite things to do is to work out in the morning...
Doing Push-ups Is Great, but Here's What You Should Do to Balance It Out Basically, every "push" workout you do should be balanced out with a "pull" type of workout.
What It Means to Balance Out Your Workout and Why You Should Having a musculoskeletal strength imbalance can cause injury and other complications in your performance athletically or on...
Can You Drink Beer and Still Be Fit? It seems that a former Navy radioman has developed quite a gut since retiring and was curious about whether he should give up...
Introducing the Best Shoulder Workout The top three sport injury surgeries performed on its members are to the shoulders, knees and lower back, according to the...
How You Can Learn to Breathe Properly During Exercise Learning to breathe during exercise can prevent dizziness during activity, improve athletic performance and increase fat...
Build Muscle with the Perfect Pushup Workout One of the privileges of inventing the Perfect Pushup is hearing directly from users who have changed not only their bodies...
7 Reasons Spring Is the Perfect Time to Revive Your Fitness Goals After a long winter of below-average temperatures, so many of us are ready for spring, but transitioning into spring can also...
The Best Running Interval Workouts to Improve Your Cardio Fitness This mix of intervals, sprints, resistance running and goal-mile pace workouts will build your conditioning while providing...
How to Build Mental Toughness for Special Operations Selections Unfortunately, many will do challenging events they are unprepared for physically to test their mental toughness.
The Power of Protein: Why it Matters for Mind and Body Well-Being The missing piece in your quest for stress relief and physical fitness recovery may be as simple as doubling down on protein...
The Most Comprehensive Upper-Body Workout that Includes Cardio If you want a well-rounded, upper-body workout program that blends strength training, conditioning and cardio training, try...