Workout of the Week: Core and Cardio Here is a fun compromise where you can focus on oft-neglected training exercises that work the full core. Core work is not...
How to Overcome Psychological Obstacles Here is a concerned future military member who is having a tough time with what we all have to conquer when exceeding...
Should You Work Out with a Cold? A National Guard soldier who is preparing for his PFT asked a common question: "Since I have a cold, is it OK to PT or run?"
Stew Smith's Fitness Training Pipeline In the military, training pipelines refer to a student's training cycle as they attend school after school to become...
The Perfect Workout Pyramids and super-set workouts are a great foundation builder, as well as a proven maintenance method for calisthenics-based...
One Soldier, Two Workouts Here is a great question from a soldier who wants to add in extra PT with his command-group PT and does not want to injure...
How to Master Obstacle Courses Many pre-military and law enforcement recruits preparing for training programs often don't have an obstacle course available...
What Causes Nausea During a Workout? A majority of the time, the causes for exercise-induced nausea are motion sickness or lower blood-sugar levels.
Military Fitness Archive This is a one-stop article to help people find information on specific fitness topics in the Fitness Center more...
Extreme Body-Core Temperatures The most significant factor in limiting muscular performance during prolonged, high-level work is the buildup of heat in the...
5 Cardio Workouts to Build Leg Endurance for Military Fitness Tests Consider the following workouts if you are focused on building leg muscle stamina while improving your cardio scores.
Why Army Special Forces Candidates Should Include Swimming in Their Cardio Training If you are preparing for Army training that involves much running and rucking, you may not need to spend time in the pool...
7 Reasons Spring Is the Perfect Time to Revive Your Fitness Goals After a long winter of below-average temperatures, so many of us are ready for spring, but transitioning into spring can also...
The Best Running Interval Workouts to Improve Your Cardio Fitness This mix of intervals, sprints, resistance running and goal-mile pace workouts will build your conditioning while providing...
How to Build Mental Toughness for Special Operations Selections Unfortunately, many will do challenging events they are unprepared for physically to test their mental toughness.